[HUN/ENG – Lent/Below]
Lehel Salaš, 01.05.2024.
Lokacija: https://maps.app.goo.gl/PfeQKFMLJFdrA4md6
Obeležavamo međunarodni praznik rada. Prisećamo se i slavimo radničku borbu. Gradimo zajednicu. Negujemo underground izraz. Promovišemo Ekoslaviju #5.
10h – Okupljanje i početak priprema za kuvanje.
15h – Zajednički veganski ručak.
16h – Projekcija igranog filma o radničkoj borbi: „Matewan“ (1987). Sindikalista dolazi u rudarsku zajednicu i rudnik kojim, uz brutalno i nasilno maltretiranje radnika, upravlja rudarska kompanija u privatnom vlasništvu.
18h – Prikaz izložbe o istoriji radničke borbe u svetu i kod nas. Priprema i print: kolektiv Ekoslavija.
Tokom celog dana radionica kolaža i fanzina Daniela Tikvickog, live print by Miroslav Lazendić (poneti majice, cegere ili ostale komade odeće zgodne da se na njih odštampa štogod)
21h Svirke:
GETINTHEROBOT (emo crust – Sombor)
Getintherobot je emocrust bend iz Sombora, nastao na leto 2023. godine kao bend koji će svirati crust-punk obrade. Nakon formiranja postave odbacuje obrade i okreće se traženju svog zvuka i žanra. Svi članovi potiču sa iste scene ali iz različitih podžanrova, tako da emocrust postaje neki neformalni dogovor kao žanr benda! Najveća inspiracija za bend je anime/manga Evangelion, tekstovi su inspirisani najtežim momentima iz života članova kroz objektiv gorepomenutog japanskog remek-dela. Pesma „Arsonist“ je snimljena u studiu NAV, mix i master Nemanja Kalinić, što im je prva i jedina snimljena pesma za sada.
Getintherobot na probi (izvor: Instagram profil benda)
KALO (hc punk – Novi Sad)
KALO je nastao januara 2009. godine zbog nedostatka hc/punk zvuka u Novom Sadu. Ukupna poruka tekstova je kritika nepotrebnih (pogrešnih) pojava u društvu. Sirovi zvuk kratkog trajanja (u velikom broju pesama trajanje je izraženo u sekundama) savršen je za marketing njihovih ideja, a ujedno pokazuje pod uticajem kakvog je zvuka nastao (ek-IU hc /pank 80-ih, skandinavski hc/pank, britanski hc/punk…)
ENEMY EFFORTS (thrashcore – Szentes HU)
Osnovan 1995. godine. Njihov debi album (A valosagfelszinen – Na površini stvarnosti) objavljen je u proleće 1997. godine, nakon čega je usledio singl (Torekvesek – Napori), ceo album 2000. godine (Orokoltgyulolet – InheritedHatred) i još jedan EP. (Eleg volt! – Dosta mi je!). 2008. godine Enemy Efforts je održao mnogo koncerata širom zemlje, uključujući i svirke sa tako poznatim bendovima kao što su: Leukemia i A.M.D.. Penzionisani su na nekoliko godina od 2010. godine. Zatim su 2017. ponovo počele probe i Enemi Efforts su se vratili u sklopu velikog reunion koncerta gde su sve stare kolege iz benda i gosti izašli na binu za nekoliko pesama. Povratnički album je objavljen 2022. godine (Nincsmenekves – No Escape), snimljen sa originalnim članovima (sa dva frontmena – originalnim i pevačem prethodnog albuma), i od tada su aktivni sa svojim klasičnim motom: Brže!
Enemy Efforts (izvor: Facebook stranica benda)
OTVORENI PRELOM (hc/anarchopunk – Senta-Subotica)
Otvoreni prelom je nastao u decembru 2007-e u Senti. Bend je aktivan u kontinuitetu punih 16 godina. U početku su svi članovi bili iz Sente, a trenutna postava se sastoji od članova iz Sente i Subotice. Svirali su u 8 evropskih zemalja i imaju oko 150 svirki iza sebe! Roka se sirovi hardcorepunk sa anarho tematikom. Nedavno su izbacili dva singla pod nazivima Protest i Piroman! Trenutno rade na pesmama koje će se naći na novom albumu. Sadašnja postava benda: Sebastian Nikolić – gitara, Čaba Barlog – gitara, Ahilej Lak – bas, Darko Robović – bubnjevi, Mićo Krnjac – vokal.
Otvoreni prelom na prolećnoj mini turneji u pratnji prijatelja benda (izvor: Facebook stranica benda)
VEHEMENCIA (noisecore – Budimpešta HU)
Jedan od poslednjih velikih transfera izdavačke kuće “Szégyenkazzeták”, njihov debi materijal je objavljen prošle godine. Koliko su svež bend, toliko kilometara imaju iza sebe, probili su se oktobra prošle godine sve do Poljske. Odlikuju ih izuzetna društvena osetljivost i finoća, kako na ljudskom tako i na profesionalnom planu. Po sopstvenom priznanju, uvek podignu klozetsku dasku iza sebe.
(izvor: Bandcamp stranica benda)
Lehel Salaš, 01.05.2024.
Location: https://maps.app.goo.gl/PfeQKFMLJFdrA4md6
Marking the international workforce holiday. In remembrance and celebration of the battles of the working class. We’re building a community. Supporting underground expressionism.
Promoting Ekoslavija #5.
The program:
10 a.m. – Gathering and starting preparations for cooking.
15:00 – Joint vegan lunch.
16:00 – Screening of the feature film about the workers’ struggle: “Matewan” (1987).
(A trade unionist comes to a mine that is managed by a privately owned mining
company with brutal and violent mistreatment of workers.)
18:00 – Presentation of the exhibition on the history of the labour struggle in the world and our country. Preparation and printing: Ekoslavija collective.
During the whole day, we will be presenting Daniel Tikvicki’s collage and fanzine workshops, and live prints by Miroslav Lazendić (bring t-shirts, shirts or other pieces of clothing that can be printed on).
9 p.m. Concerts:
GETINTHEROBOT (emo crust – Sombor)
“Getintherobot” is an emo crust band from Sombor, formed in the summer of 2023 as a band that will play crust-punk covers. After forming the line-up, they turned to searching for their own sound and genre. All members come from the same scene but from different subgenres, so emo crust becomes some informal agreement as a band genre! The biggest inspiration for the band is the anime/manga Evangelion, the lyrics are inspired by the hardest moments in the members’ lives through the lens of the previously mentioned Japanese masterpiece. The song “Arsonist” was recorded in the NAV studio, mixed and mastered by Nemanja Kalinić, which is their first and only recorded song so far.
ENEMY EFFORTS (thrashcore – Szentes HU)
Founded in 1995. Their debut album (A valosagfelszinen – On the surface of reality) was released in the spring of 1997, followed by a single (Torekvesek – Efforts), a full album in 2000 (Orokoltgyulolet – InheritedHatred) and another EP (Eleg volt! – I’ve had enough!). In 2008, Enemy Efforts held many concerts around the country, including gigs with such well-known bands as “Leukemia” and “A.M.D”. They retired for a few years in 2010. Then in 2017 rehearsals started again and Enemy Efforts returned as part of a big reunion concert where all the old bandmates and guests performed a couple of their old songs. The comeback album was released in 2022 (Nincsmenekves – No Escape), recorded with the original members (with two frontmen – the original and the singer of the previous album), and since then they have been active with their classic motto: “Faster!”
OTVORENI PRELOM (Open Fracture) (hc/anarcho-punk – Senta-Subotica)
The first breakthrough occurred in December 2007 in Senta. The band has been active continuously for sixteen years. In the beginning, all the members were from Senta, and the current line-up consists of members from Senta and Subotica. They played in eight European countries and have around 150 gigs behind them! Raw hardcore-punk rock with an anarchy themed. They recently released two singles called “Protest” and “Pyroman”! They are currently working on songs that will be on the new album. The current lineup of the band: Sebastian Nikolić – Guitar, Čaba Barlog – Guitar, Ahilej Lak – Bass, Darko Robović – Drums, Mićo Krnjac – Vocals.
VEHEMENCIA (noisecore – Budapest HU)
One of the last major releases of the label house “Szégyenkazzeták”, their debut material was released last year. Despite how new to the scene the band is, they made it all the way to Poland in October of last year. They are characterized by exceptional social awareness and goodness, both on a human and professional standard. By their own admission, they always raise the toilet seat behind them.